Consultation Options

What would you like to chat about?

Want to make the most of our upcoming consultation?

Simply click on your appointment type to see a detailed list of topics and information we'll cover during our call. Having this information at your fingertips will not only streamline our discussion but also enable me to provide you with a comprehensive solution tailored to your unique needs. Being prepared is the first step in ensuring you get the dependable coverage and peace of mind you deserve!

  • Preparation Tips for Your Health Insurance Consultation

    Personal and Family Health History:

    Medical Records: If available, a brief summary of major medical events or conditions for each person being insured.

    Prescription Medications: List of all current medications, including dosages.

    Current Coverage:

    Existing Health Plans: Details or copies of any current health insurance plans, whether individual or group plans from employment.

    Reason for Change: If you're considering changing plans, have reasons and desired changes ready.

    Coverage Preferences:

    Preferred Providers: If you have specific doctors, specialists, or healthcare facilities you prefer, list them.

    Special Needs: Be aware of any special health needs or procedures expected in the coming year, such as surgeries or treatments.

    Financial Situation:

    Budget: Know your monthly budget for health insurance premiums.

    Tax Credits: If you think you're eligible for ACA tax credits or other assistance, have the previous year's tax return and an estimate of the current year's income.

    Other Coverage:

    Ancillary Benefits: Decide if you're also interested in ancillary benefits such as dental, vision, or supplemental coverages.

    Life Changes: Be ready to discuss any significant upcoming life events like marriage, pregnancy, or changing jobs.

    Additional Tips:

    Questions: Prepare a list of questions or concerns about coverage options, policy terms, or the health insurance landscape in general.

    Document Organization: Having a small folder or digital collection of all relevant documents can simplify the discussion.

    Your health and peace of mind are of paramount importance. By being prepared, you enable us to best tailor the health insurance options to fit your individual needs. We're excited to guide you through the process!

  • Prepare for Your Medicare Advantage Consultation

    To ensure our meeting is as productive as possible, consider gathering the following information before our consultation:

    Current Coverage: Have details about any existing health insurance, whether it's through an employer, marketplace, or another source.

    Medicare Documentation: If you've received any letters or documents from Medicare, please have them available.

    Prescription List: A list of current medications, including dosages.

    Primary Care & Specialists: Details about your primary care doctor and any specialists you see regularly. It's vital to know if they accept Medicare.

    Health & Medical History: While Medicare doesn’t require a health history review, knowing your needs can help us advise on the best plans for you.

    Budget: Have an idea of what you're comfortable spending monthly or annually on Medicare coverage.

    Travel Habits: If you travel frequently or have a second home in another state, this may influence the best plan choice for you.

    Specific Needs & Concerns: Any particular healthcare services, treatments, or medications you know you'll need in the upcoming year.

    Previous Enrollment: If you’ve been enrolled in a Medicare plan before but switched back to Original Medicare or another plan, details about this can be useful.

    Compiling this information in advance will help us provide you with the most accurate Medicare Advantage plan recommendations tailored to your unique needs. We're here to make the process smooth and ensure you get the best coverage for your situation!

  • Preparation Tips for Your Dental and Vision Insurance Consultation

    Personal Information:

    Provide your full name, date of birth, and contact details.

    Include any family members or dependents who need coverage.

    Coverage Needs:

    Specify whether you are interested in dental, vision, or both.

    Indicate if you need coverage for yourself, your family, or your employees (if applicable).

    Current Coverage:

    Mention if you currently have any dental or vision insurance.

    Provide details about your current plan, including the insurance provider and coverage levels.

    Preferred Dentists or Eye Care Providers:

    If you have preferred dentists or eye care specialists, share their names and locations.

    Check if your preferred providers are within the insurance network.

    Specific Needs:

    Describe any specific dental or vision needs you or your family members have, such as orthodontics, eyeglasses, or contact lenses.


    Determine your budget for monthly premiums and any out-of-pocket costs like copayments or deductibles.

    Coverage Preferences:

    Specify the type of coverage you prefer, such as PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) or HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) for dental plans.

    For vision plans, consider whether you want coverage for eyeglasses, contact lenses, or both.

    Annual Checkups:

    Mention how often you and your family members typically schedule dental checkups and eye exams.

    Existing Health Insurance:

    Inform your insurance agent if you have existing health insurance and inquire about bundling options for dental and vision coverage.

    Questions and Concerns:

    Prepare any questions or concerns you may have about the dental and vision plans, including coverage limitations, waiting periods, and in-network providers.

    Your health and peace of mind are of paramount importance. By being prepared, you enable us to best tailor the health insurance options to fit your individual needs. We're excited to guide you through the process!

  • Preparation Tips for Your Life Insurance Consultation

    Personal Details:

    Date of Birth & Gender: These basic details influence life insurance premiums.

    Health History: Have information about any major illnesses, surgeries, or conditions from the past. This includes treatments and medications.

    Family Health History: Some life insurance policies may inquire about the health history of immediate family members.

    Lifestyle Habits:

    Tobacco and Alcohol Usage: Be ready to disclose if you smoke or drink, and if so, how frequently.

    Recreational Drug Use: Honesty is crucial here for accurate coverage.

    Hobbies & Activities: Some high-risk activities, like skydiving or scuba diving, may influence your policy.

    Financial Information:

    Income & Assets: Understanding your income and assets can help determine how much coverage you might need.

    Debts & Liabilities: This includes mortgages, loans, and other debts that can influence coverage amount.

    Existing Life Insurance: If you have any existing policies, have the details ready, including type, coverage amount, and policy terms.

    Beneficiary Information:

    Primary Beneficiary: Decide who you'd want the death benefit to go to.

    Contingent Beneficiary: This person would receive the death benefit if the primary beneficiary cannot.

    Coverage Preferences:

    Term vs. Permanent: Consider if you're looking for coverage for a specific period (like 10 or 20 years) or lifelong coverage.

    Additional Riders: Think about any additional protection you may want, like accidental death or a child rider.


    Premium Comfort Zone: Decide on an amount you're comfortable paying on a monthly or annual basis.

    Additional Tips:

    Goals for Coverage: Understand why you're seeking life insurance. For example, to cover funeral expenses, provide for loved ones, leave a legacy, etc.

    Document Organization: Keeping a consolidated folder or digital compilation of all relevant documents can help the consultation go smoothly.

    Life insurance is a crucial step towards ensuring the financial security of your loved ones. By preparing for our meeting, we can effectively assess your needs and find the policy that best fits your life and aspirations. We're here to guide and support you in every decision.

  • Prepare for Your Travel Insurance Consultation

    Before our meeting, gathering the following information will help us find the best travel insurance options tailored to your needs:

    Travel Dates: Know the exact start and end dates of your trip.

    Destination Details: Have a clear list of all the countries or regions you'll be visiting.

    Trip Cost: The total cost of your trip including flights, accommodations, and any pre-booked activities.

    Travelers' Information: Ages of all travelers and any specific medical conditions or needs.

    Nature of Trip: Whether it's leisure, business, adventure sports, or a combination.

    Existing Coverage: Details of any existing medical or other insurance policies that may already cover parts of your trip.

    Specific Concerns: Any particular worries, like trip cancellations, lost baggage, or emergency evacuations.

    Pre-Booked Experiences: Details of any non-refundable bookings, tours, or experiences.

    Frequent Flyer: If you travel often, think about whether you want a single-trip policy or annual coverage.

    Having this information on hand will help us provide you with accurate and competitive travel insurance quotes. We look forward to helping you travel with peace of mind!

  • Preparing for Your Pet Insurance Consultation with Agent Benji

    To make the most of our upcoming consultation, please gather the following information about your pet:

    Basic Details: Species, breed, age, sex, and microchipping status.

    Medical History: Vaccination records, any chronic conditions, history of illnesses or surgeries, and regular medications.

    Veterinary Care: Your regular vet's contact information and details of recent vet visits.

    Pet Lifestyle: Information about your pet's daily activities and any environmental factors.

    Your Insurance Needs: Specific concerns, desired coverage type, budget for premiums, and any preferences for deductible and reimbursement levels.

    This information will help us tailor our discussion to your pet's unique needs, ensuring we find the best pet insurance solution for your furry family member. Looking forward to our consultation!

  • Preparation Tips for Your Group Health Insurance Consultation

    Employee Demographics:

    Age & Gender: Have a list of employees with their age and gender, as it can impact premium calculations.

    Dependent Details: Information on any dependents that would be covered under the plan.

    Location: If you have employees in multiple locations or states, compile a list of where each employee is based.

    Current Coverage Details:

    Existing Plans: If you already have a group plan in place, be ready with details or a copy of the current policy.

    Coverage Feedback: Any feedback from employees about the current plan, what they like, and what they'd like to see improved.

    Business Financials:

    Budget: Understand what your company is able and willing to contribute towards premiums.

    Employee Contribution: Decide how much of the premium will be paid by employees.

    Type of Coverage:

    Preferred Plans: Whether you're interested in HMOs, PPOs, HSAs, or a combination.

    Ancillary Benefits: Consider if you also want to offer dental, vision, or other supplemental coverages.

    Company Information:

    Employee Turnover: An estimate of how often you hire or lose employees, as it can affect plan administration.

    Company Growth Plans: If you anticipate significant growth or reduction in the number of employees in the upcoming year, share this information.

    Other Considerations:

    Wellness Programs: Decide if you're interested in offering or continuing wellness programs or incentives.

    List of Questions: Prepare any questions you have about regulations, compliance, or the benefits landscape in general.

    Additional Tips:

    Network Preferences: If there are specific healthcare providers or facilities you or your employees prefer, make a note of them.

    Document Organization: Keeping a consolidated folder or digital compilation of all relevant documents can make the consultation smoother.

    Your employees' health and satisfaction are crucial for the wellbeing and productivity of your business. Preparing for our discussion will ensure we can tailor group health insurance options to best suit your company's needs. We're here to guide and assist every step of the way!

  • Getting Ready for Your Workers' Compensation Insurance Consultation.

    Before our meeting, please have the following information ready to ensure a thorough and effective consultation:

    Business Profile: Your business name, type, industry, and operational locations.

    Employee Details: Total number of employees, job descriptions, payroll information, and any past workers' compensation claims.

    Safety Records: Documentation of workplace accidents, safety protocols, and OSHA compliance status.

    Insurance History: Details of current or previous workers' compensation insurance and any claims history.

    Financials: Your business's annual revenue and recent financial statements.

    Specific Needs: Any special coverage requirements or concerns related to your business activities.

    This preparation will help us tailor our discussion to the specific needs and risks of your business, ensuring we find the most suitable workers' compensation insurance solution for you.

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(321) 599-6326
